I got my kickstarter reward from funding Release! The game arrived the other day, I’ve not yet had a chance to play it but I thought I’d share these photos with you of the box and it’s contents.
Game Blurb
RELEASE! is a light card game about software and the people who make it.
It takes modern development methodologies and crams them into a trick taking card game that is fast paced, easy to pick up, and has a lot of room for strategy.
The Kickstarter edition contains the base game and 14 new plug-ins and expansions.
What’s in the box?
Lots of stuff, mainly game cards, some notepads for recording your score and bits to keep the expansions etc separate. Here are some pictures.

Close up of a handful of cards from Release!
I funded the kickstarter because not only do I like to play games, but I get involved in developing software at work. Some of the example cards above are ones that I’d like to play on people at work when they get out of hand…
How to Play
The guys that produced the game have put together a video of how to play the game.
As well as the lovely pre-done box you can also download a PDF of the game for free. You can then print and cut your own cards. Useful if you just want to expand the game or you would like to see the details before you buy. Worth a look.
Can I book a session to play this game with you. Very interested.
Yes, although not sure when. Busy over the next few weeks, drop me an email and we can sort out a time.